Hidden Thebes biennale
works and artists
έργα και συμμετέχοντες
Since 2001 he has been working in social and political documentation in the field of Media Art, creatinginstallations, documentaries and video-art works.After the master's programs at the Festival dei Popoli in Florence with Michael Glawogger, SergeiDvortsevoy, Thomas Heis and Andrés Di Tella, he began a path in the cinema of moving images,experimenting with languages at the border between the cinema of the real and the video-art. His workshave been screened in some eminent international institutions.
370 New World is a work on the new solitude created by the economic and social crisis which crossed the whole Europe in the last ten years. The human isolation which is displayed to the spectator is, by now, part of the everyday life of many people. The author thus introduces his creative work as a kind of mirror in which the spectator may recognise some details of his or her own life.
New WorldVideo | New WorldVideo |
New WorldVideo | New WorldVideo |