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works and artists

έργα και συμμετέχοντες




Life experiences shape our lives. The institutions shall provide tools for lifelong learning. People give more depth to our knowledge. I am grateful to all those whose paths I crossed and creative opportunities offered by my photography, sculpture, painting and filmmaker. The breath of my experience allows me to give more of myself to my art and others.




Master in Graphic Design and Motion Graphics IED European Institute of Design in Milan Italy Workshop for curators and cultural workers museums Museum Tornielli di Ameno Novara Italy



Masterclass When the digital hits the wall. Cinematic experience in urban spaces, Mihai Grecu  Visual and poetic trips for a new oriented tecnology  IED European Institute of Design in Milan Italy  Workshop Music, technology and digital creativity by  Juan Atkins Space Officina  Rome Italy             

Workshop " Content Marketing" Spot By The Viral Auditoriun Department of Humanities University of Milan Italy Workshop Videomapping Video Sound Art Conducted by Yannick Jacquet collective AntiVJ at the Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo Da Vinci in Milan Italy Workshop Cinema "Cinema in the real" Art Direction by Andrea Segre, Simone Fake Officine Antaeus Space Cinema in Milan Italy Workshop Photography "Fine Art Photography" edited by Franco Donaggio Studio Donaggio Milan Italy            
Course Film Editing by Giuseppe Trepiccione Cinema Avvenire Milan Italy Master Film production and communication. From traditional to web 2.0 IED European Institute of Design in Milan Italy producers  Francesco Bonsembiante, Domenico Cuscino, Lionello Cerri, Nicola Giuliano, director Marco Pozzi e Nicola Palmarini Seminar Digital Imaging and 3D Printing by Matteo Oriani Adobe Seminar in Graphic Design and Web Design by Matteo Oriani Adobe



Workshop Photography in Film by Luca Bigazzi IED European Institute of Design in Milan Italy          

Course Screenplay Film by Marc Lenglet  IED European Institute of Design in Milan Italy Workshop Touch Designer by Andrew Quinn Theater San Fedele Milan Italy Workshop Photography Artissima Turin Italy by Franco Fontana



Course Museum and Gallery Devolopment and Design European Institute of Design at IED Venice Italy



Course Operator in Communication Audio Visual Multimedia Cinema TV industry / Information experimental center of cinematography Palermo Italy  Workshop History and Criticism of Cinema by Juan Ruiz Tai Escuela Universitara de Artes y Espectàculos  Madrid Spain         Workshop Nikon Photo Show International Fair Milan Italy



Master Of Photography CsfAdams  Experimental Center of Photography Rome Italy



Master Curator Museum of Contemporary Art, the Art of Entertainment Events IED European Institute of Design Rome Italy



Master Care and Museum Installation II (level) MLAC Laboratory of Contemporary Art of Rome Italy



School of Post-graduate degree in Art History Academy of Fine Arts in Reggio Calabria Italy



Bachelor's degree in sculpture Academy of Fine Arts in Reggio Calabria Italy



Degree of Master of Art Art Institute Ernesto Basile, Messina Italy



Diploma of Applied Arts Art Institute Ernesto Basile, Messina Italy




Erasmus Scholarship at the University of Sussex




Residency Program of the Visual Sociology and Museum Studies Lab of the Cyprus University of Technology , Ciprus February-April

Art Project GlogauAir GmbH Berlin  Research projects on the development and collaborative exhibition focused with resident artists, Berlin JuneSeptember


Prize "Art Europe" European Biennial Paris 201




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