Hidden Thebes biennale
works and artists
έργα και συμμετέχοντες
Carlos Enrique Gozalo Ara Κεντρική Πλατεία ( Θέση Πινδάρου)
Screen projection
Herodotus says that Hesiod, along with Homer, has created their gods for the Greeks. The Theogony is a sample of it. This poem of the gods describes the origin of the world, which is the same as the origin of the gods and the history of the Uranus-Chronos Zeus succession in a process that goes from Chaos to the perfect order sanctioned by the justice of Zeus. «At the beginning it was Chaos». Then the Earth and Eros originate. It follows a series of unions and descendants that, beyond generation, try to explain the order of what exists and the forces that govern this world. The reality of the world explained from the myth. “La Teogonía” constitutes, then, the first Greek poem that seeks a divine explanation to the order of the world and that bases that explanation on the triumph of good over evil. "Reality and myth intersect here in the most intimate way; To put it more exactly, this time only captures the reality of the world through the image of myth. The affirmation, quite repeated, according to which Hesiod represents the beginning of Greek philosophy, must be accepted with reserve.