Hidden Thebes biennale
works and artists
έργα και συμμετέχοντες
Stephan Groß (*1979 in Höxter, Germany) studied visual arts and mathematics at the university of Bremenwith early computer artist Frieder Nake among others. His works deal with the artistic transformation ofprint media, visual poetry, video and installation. His experimental videos are based on photographic or filmic footage. Themes are oppression, politics,desire, violence, beauty. They are presented either in a kind of delirious realism or in formal abstraction. Groß had a fellowship of the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes and won the Löwenhof-Förderpreis,Frankfurt/ Main, in 2006 and 2007. He regularly takes part in international festivals and exhibitions. His films have been shown at the ZKM Karlsruhe, FACT Liverpool, at the International Short Film FestivalHamburg, the K3 Film Festival Villach and in the national museums and galleries of several countries. Großlives and works in Berlin.
A rich and sluggish consumer society endangered by aging is closing its doors against a young hungry world in which survival can only be ensured with high risk.
Love in the time of the EUVideo |